The ministry of "India Tribals In Ministry (ITIM)," is to establish ministries within the southern region of India.
The ITIM ministry continues to expand, and God blesses us abundantly, meeting the needs in His perfect timing. For it is He who provides
for the ministry, not any one of us.
ITIM is a Christ-centered, mission-oriented, Spirit-filled, Bible-based missionary organization established with the purpose
to reach the unreached Tribal people with the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
MARK 6:34
"And Jesus, when he came out, saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion for them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd."
ITIM's ultimate goal is to win people for Jesus Christ through our activities with the Tribals in India. The mission looks to God in faith for its support through His people. We appeal to the children of God to be partners with us in regular prayers and sacrificial giving.
Please tour our website to find out more about how you can be a part of this wonderful work that God is doing. The need is great, but together we can make a difference for Jesus our Lord. WITH GOD'S HELP!